Terms & Conditions

  1. Charterer – Mentioned at Proforma Invoice/Tax Invoice, or Name (Customer).

    Owner – MARINA YACHT RENTALS (or Marina Yacht Rentals) and/or related to third parties.


    The OWNER agrees to let the Vessel to the CHARTERER and not to enter into any other Agreement for the Charter to the vessel tor the same period.

    The CHARTERER agrees to hire the Vessel and shall pay the Charter Fee, the Advance Provisioning Allowance, the Delivery/Redelivery Fee, the Security Deposit and any other agreed charges, in cleared funds, no later than the dates and to the Account specified in this Agreement.

    The OWNER and BROKER will not trade with or provide Services to any OFAC sanctioned countries.

    MARINA YACHT RENTALS maintains the www.bookyachtindubai.com website (“site”).

    CHARTERERS booking through/ using the website who are minor/ under the age of 18 shall not register as a user of the website and shall not transact on or use the website. Motor yachts shall be provided for the enjoyment of the Client and Client’s guests at the time and date specified and in return for compensation specified in Schedule A.  Maximum Capacity is strictly observed and followed.  Clients and their guests shall have access to only the public areas, Access to Control, Equipment and private areas is prohibited. The duration of the Trip is calculated from the Guest Booking time or Boarding Time (whichever is earlier) of the Guests and/or their Service Providers, to the Departure of the Last guest or their service providers. Additional time in Billed in slots of 30 Minutes and charged based on hourly rates of the respective boats. In case of client ordered Catering or decorations the setup time is considered chargeable time. MARINA YACHT RENTALS welcomes you to decorate this yacht to make your cruise more festive and memorable.  However, decorations shall not be affixed in a manner that damages or threaten to damage the vessel.  This includes staples, nails, pins, glues, strong adhesives etc. Furthermore, decorations shall be in good taste and not be detrimental or offensive.  MARINA YACHT RENTALS shall be the sole determiner regarding suitability and attachment of decorations. The Client shall provide decorations and attachment materials. Client to get Dubai Municipality approvals where required for external decorations.

    1.1. a Scope
    Caterers, entertainers, waiters and other services or persons for administering to the needs or entertainment of the guests shall be provided by, and is the responsibility of the Client except where catering is arranged by MARINA YACHT RENTALS.
    1.1. b Caterer Responsibilities
    The caterer shall maintain the galley spaces in a manner consistent with health requirements.  Upon completion of this Charter, the caterer shall clean and return the galley spaces to the condition in which found.  The Crew shall inspect and their sole judgment shall determine satisfaction of this cruise.  Client shall ensure caterer complies with this requirement.
    1.1.c Commerce
    The sales or exchange of goods, products, or services by client, guests, or service providers is prohibited.

    The OWNER shall at the beginning of the Charter Period deliver the Vessel free of encumbrance to the Place of Delivery in compliance with its flag state requirements and the CHARTERER shall take delivery in full commission and working order. The Vessel shall be insured, seaworthy, clean, in good condition throughout and ready for service, with full equipment, including up-to-date safety and lifesaving equipment (including life-jackets for children if any are carried in the CHARTERER’S Party), as required by the Vessel’s registration authority and fitted out as appropriate for a Vessel of her size and type and enabling the CHARTERER lo use the Vessel as set out in Clause 13. The OWNER does not warrant her use and comfort in bad weather conditions for all cruises or passages within the Cruising Area.
    2.1. Yachts in standard category (only): please note that the image display and vessel specifications only depict an example illustration of the vessel category. A reservation is only made for a yacht category (standard), but not for a particular yacht. All information on dimensions, capacity, brand, included facilities, services etc. are based on information provided by a manager of the company, available model of the yacht. NOTE: Reservations are made by yacht category only (STANDARD CATEGORY), which may cover a number of yacht models. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee a specific model of a yacht. Extras are subject to availability. You can clarify with your manager. For further details regarding our rental conditions please visit our website at https://bookyachtindubai.com

      The CHARTERER shall re-deliver the Vessel to the OWNER at the Place of Re-Delivery free of any debts incurred for the CHARTERER’S account during the Charter Period and in as good a condition as when the delivery was taken, except for fair wear and tear arising from ordinary use. The CHARTERER may, if he wishes, re-deliver the Vessel to the Place of Re-Delivery and disembark prior to the end of the Charter Period but such early re-delivery shall not entitle the CHARTERER to any refund of the Charter Fee.

    4.1 The CHARTERER shall restrict the cruising of the Vessel to within the Cruising Area and to within regions In the Cruising Area in which the Vessel is legally permitted to cruise. The CHARTERER shall also restrict time underway to an average of six (6) hours per day, unless the Captain, at his sole discretion, agrees to exceed this time.
    4.2 While the Captain and/or Broker will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the CHARTERER’S request for a berth; it is understood that the Captain and/or Owner and/or Broker and/or Stakeholder (if applicable) cannot be held liable for the non-allocation of the berth.

    5.1 The CHARTERER shall not at any time during the Charter Period permit more than the Maximum Number of Guests Sleeping or Cruising on Board plus, at the sole discretion of the Captain, a reasonable number of visitors whilst the Vessel is securely moored in port or at anchor, or as permitted by the appropriate authority.
    5.2 If children are taken on board, the CHARTERER shall be fully responsible for their conduct and entertainment and no member of the Crew shall be held responsible for their conduct or entertainment.
    5.3 The nature of a Charter may render it uncomfortable or unsuitable for anybody with a physical disability or undergoing medical treatment and by the signature of this Agreement, the CHARTERER warrants the medical fitness of all members of the CHARTERER’S Party for the voyage contemplated by this Agreement. The CHARTERER and his party undertake to have all necessary visas and vaccinations for the countries to be visited.

    6.1 The OWNER shall ensure that the captain shows the CHARTERER the same attention as if the CHARTERER were the OWNER. The captain shall comply with all reasonable orders given to him by the CHARTERER regarding the management, operation, and movement of the Vessel, wind, weather, and other circumstances permitting. The captain shall not, however, be bound to comply with any order which might, in the reasonable opinion of the captain, result in the Vessel moving to any port or place that is not safe and proper, or might result in the CHARTERER failing to re-deliver the Vessel upon the expiration of the Charter Period, or would, in the reasonable opinion of the captain, cause a breach of Clause 13 and/or any other clause of this Agreement. Further, without prejudice to any other remedy of the OWNER, if, in the reasonable opinion of the Captain, the CHARTERER or any of his Guests fail to observe any of the provisions in Clause 13 and if such failure continues to alter the Captain has given due and specific warning lo the CHARTERER in writing in respect of the same, the Captain shall inform the OWNER, the Broker and the Stakeholder, and the OWNER may terminate the Charter forthwith or instruct the Captain to return the Vessel to the Place of Re-Delivery and upon such return the Charter Period shall be terminated. The CHARTERER and his Guests shall disembark, the CHARTERER having settled all outstanding expenses with the Captain beforehand and the CHARTERER shall not be entitled to any refund of the Charter Fee.
    6.1.1 With particular regard to the use of water sports equipment, the Captain shall have the authority to exclude the CHARTERER or any or all of his Guests from use of any particular water sports equipment if they are unsafe, or behaving in an irresponsible manner, or are under the influence of alcohol, or are failing to show due concern for other persons or properly when operating this equipment.

    6.2 In accordance with UAE regulations, the obligations and duties of our crew exclusively encompass the safe operation and maintenance of the vessel as well as the safety of its passengers.  Our Crew has no other obligation or duties to the Client or guests.


    The captain shall immediately notify the Broker and Stakeholder of any breakdowns, disablements, crew changes, accidents, or other significant incidents that occur during the Charter Period.


    Trips will only be booked when confirmation and payment is received from the Client along with this form duly signed. The Charter Fee includes the charter of the Vessel with all its equipment in working order; tools; stores; cleaning materials and basic consumable stores for engine room, deck, galley and cabins; laundry of ship’s linen; the crew’s wages, uniforms, the Insurance of the Vessel and crew as per Clause 16. The CHARTERER will pay, at cost, for all other expenses. These include, but are not limited to, shoreside transport; fuel for the main engines and generators; fuel for tenders and water sports equipment; food and all beverages for the Charter Period; berthing dues and other harbour charges including pilots’ fees, local taxes, divers’ fees, customs formalities and any charges for waste disposal, charges for water and electricity taken from shore; ships’ agents’ fees where applicable; personal laundry; Charter Party communications and internet use; and hire or purchase costs of any special equipment placed on board at the CHARTERER’S request. Payment for extraordinary expenses such as special requirements or equipment, shoreside transport or excursions or any other expenses not customarily considered part of the Vessel’s operating costs may be required to be paid, via the Broker’s account in advance or to the Captain onboarding, in addition to the Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA).Having paid the APA via the Broker’s Account, the CHARTERER shall be advised by the Captain, at intervals, as to the disbursement of the APA and shall, if the balance remaining becomes insufficient in the light of current expenditure as supported by receipts, pay to the Captain a sufficient sum to maintain an adequate credit balance. The OWNER shall ensure the captain will exercise due diligence in the expenditure of the APA. Any charges or fees related to the transfer of the APA to the Vessel are for the CHARTERERS account. Exchange rates, if applicable, cannot be guaranteed.
    Prior to disembarkation at the end of the Charter Period, the Captain shall present to the CHARTERER a detailed account of expenditure, with as many supporting receipts as possible, and the CHARTERER shall pay to the Captain the balance of the expenses or the Captain shall repay to the CHARTERER any balance overpaid, as the case may be.
    Payment by cheque, credit card or other negotiable instrument is not normally acceptable due to the itinerant nature of the Vessel’s seasonal schedule and the CHARTERER should, therefore, ensure that he has sufficient funds available to cover all foreseeable expenses or arrange to deposit additional funds with the Broker.

    7.1 Payment Schedule:

    Payment Terms: 50% Down Payment at the time of booking and the balance before the charter

    Catering Payment:
    Terms: 100% of the total cost 7 working days prior to the charter (non-refundable)

    Mode of Payment:

    1. By Cash;
    2. By Cheque (If paying by Cheque, cheque must be delivered to us 5 days before the charter);3. By Bank Transfer (If paying by Bank Transfer, we would require 100% payment based on total charter value to be in our account 7 working days prior to Trip, transfer receipt must be sent either by fax or email).

    8.1 If by reason of force majeure as defined in Clause 17 (1)), the OWNER fails to deliver the Vessel to the CHARTERER at the Place of Delivery at the commencement of the Charter Period and delivery is made within forty-eight (48) hours of the scheduled commencement date, or within one-tenth (1/2) of the Charter Period, whichever period is shorter, the OWNER shall do to the CHARTERER a refund of the Charter Fee at a pro rata daily rate  or (Voucher with the value of Charter Fee).

    If by reason of force majeure the OWNER fails to deliver the Vessel within forty-eight (48) hours or a period equivalent to one-tenth (1/2) of the Charter Period, to the Place of Delivery, whichever period is the shorter from the due time of delivery the CHARTERER shall be entitled to treat this Agreement as terminated. The CHARTERERS exclusive remedy will be to receive repayment without interest of the full amount of all payments made by him under the terms of this Agreement Alternatively, if the parties mutually agree, the Charter Period shall be extended by a time equivalent to the delay or postponed to a mutually agreed time.


    If re-delivery of the Vessel is delayed by reason of force majeure, re-delivery shall be affected as soon as possible thereafter and, in the meantime, the conditions of this Agreement shall remain in force but without penalty or additional charge against the CHARTERER or OWNER. If the CHARTERER fails to to re-deliver the Vessel to the OWNER at the Place of Re-Delivery due to intentional delay or change of itinerary against the captain’s advice, then the CHARTERER shall pay forthwith to the OWNER via the Broker/Stakeholder’s Account demurrage at the daily rate plus fifty percent (50%) of the daily rate. The CHARTERER shall be liable for all operating costs as per Clause 8 and indemnify the OWNER for any loss or damage which the OWNER shall suffer by reason of the deprivation of use of the Vessel or cancellation of, or delay in delivery under any subsequent Charter of the Vessel.


    9.1 In the event of cancellation by the CHARTERER, No Refunds will be made. Should the CHARTERER give notice of cancellation of this Agreement on or at any time before the commencement of the Charter Period, some or all of the Charter Fee may be retained by the OWNER determined as follows:

    • After this Agreement is signed but before the final instalment/deposit is due to be paid, the OWNER shall be entitled to retain the first instalment/deposit.
    • After any subsequent instalments/deposits are due to be paid, the OWNER shall be entitled to retain the first instalment/deposit and any subsequent instalments/deposits due.

    If any of the instalments/deposits are due to be paid but have not been paid at the time of notice of cancellation then the OWNER shall have a claim against the CHARTERER for the amount so due.

    9.2 Should the CHARTERER fail to pay, after having been given written notice by the OWNER, any amount due under this Agreement, the OWNER reserves the right to treat this Agreement as having been repudiated by the CHARTERER and to retain the full amount of all payments and to recover all sums unpaid and due up to the date of the repudiation.

    10.1 Notwithstanding the OWNER’S right to receive or retain all payments referred to above, whether due to cancellation or non-payment, the OWNER shall be under a duty to mitigate the CHARTERER’S loss and in the event that the OWNER is able to re-let the Vessel for all or part of the Charter Period under this Agreement, the OWNER will give credit for the net amount of charter hire arising from such re-letting after deduction of all commissions and other consequential expenses arising from such re-letting. The intention is that the OWNER shall receive the same in net proceeds from any re-letting as would have been received under this Agreement had it not been cancelled or repudiated, so that the OWNER shall reimburse or forgive payments received or due from the CHARTERER only to the extent that the net proceeds from any re-letting which correspond to part or all of the Charter Period exceed the amounts which would have been received under this Agreement. The OWNER shall use his best endeavours to re-let the Vessel and shall not unreasonably withhold his agreement to re-let, although charters which may reasonably be considered detrimental to the Vessel, its reputation, its Crew or its schedule may be refused
     If, prior to the date of cancellation, the Vessel has taken on provisions for the Charter, or has utilized the Delivery/Re-delivery Fee, then the CHARTERER shall pay for these expenses unless all or part can be either refunded by the supplier or transferred to the next Charter, in which case they shall be adjusted accordingly. The Captain and OWNER shall be under a duty to mitigate these expenses where possible.
     If, after the signature of this Agreement, the OWNER is adjudged bankrupt or, in the case of a company, a liquidator, receiver or administrator is appointed over all or part of the OWNER’s assets, the CHARTERER shall be entitled to cancel the Charter and all monies paid to the OWNER, his agent or the Stakeholder pursuant to this Agreement shall be refunded without further deduction.

    1. Cancellation and refund MARINA YACHT RENTALS and/or related to third parties. Cancellation Fee Retention Policy

    11.1 Cancellation should be made before departure time by either WhatsApp (Business Account: Marina Yacht Rentals), Email of the company: bookings@bookyachtindubai.com with confirmation of representative from MARINA YACHT RENTALS, for refunding the amount.

    11.2 Cancellation of this Charter by Client shall result in forfeiture of deposit.

    11.4. The rescheduling of the cruise is an alternative option, at the request of the clients atleast 72 hrs before the booking date.

    11.5. If the trip is cancelled by Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties for reckless riding causing danger or in case of an accident made by rider/pillion rider, and entering restricted areas even after one advice from the captain, the full amount of the trip will be charged. For the same day/time, booking cancellation also full payment of the trip will be charged. In case if, the client is late/did not come on the ordered yacht rental service and/or other service (s) in a set/ordered/agreed time – full payment of the trip will be charged (previously paid money is not refundable). After coordination and approval by company Marina Yacht Rentals of the return of funds which paid by the charterer, the company undertakes to return the agreed amount within fourteen to thirty days from the date of crediting the funds to the company.

    11.6 Where weather does not allow travel upon the waters, the cruise may be held at dockside or at the lagoon.

    11.7 Where mechanical issues do not allow travel upon the waters, the cruise may be held at the dockside or at the lagoon.  Should mechanically issues force cancellation of the cruise, rescheduling the Charter shall be sole remedy for Client.  In the case of a reschedule, deposit refund remains subject to this agreement and will be subject to availability.

    11.8. The captain has sole responsibility for the safety of the yacht, its crew and guests.  Should he, in his sole judgment, the captain may restrict to the dockside or lagoon. In case the captain cancels the trip, any refund remains subject to this agreement.


    The CHARTERER shall comply, and shall ensure that the Guests comply with the laws and regulations of any country into whose waters the Vessel shall enter during the course of this Agreement.

    The CHARTERER shall ensure that no pets or other animals are brought on board the Vessel without the consent in writing of the OWNER. The CHARTERER shall ensure that the behaviour of the CHARTERER and his Guests shall not cause a nuisance to any person or bring the Vessel into disrepute The Vessel is not to be used for commercial photo or film shoots of any nature, unless by written permission from the OWNER. The CHARTERER and Guests shall afford the Crew due respect at all times. No Crew member shall be subjected to any type of harassment, sexual or otherwise, by the CHARTERER or Guests at any time during the Charter Period. Unless otherwise agreed, smoking shall be restricted to the exterior areas of the Vessel designated by the captain. Rendezvous diving only unless otherwise noted under special conditions.

    The captain shall promptly draw the CHARTERER’S attention to any infringement of these terms by himself or his Guests, and if such behaviour continues after this warning, the captain shall inform the OWNER or Stakeholder, and the OWNER may, by notice in writing given to the CHARTERER, terminate this Agreement in accordance with Clauses 9 till 11 (9-11). If the CHARTERER or any of the Guests shall commit any offense contrary to the laws and regulations of any country which results in any member of the Crew of the Vessel being detained, fined or imprisoned, or the Vessel being detained, arrested, seized or fined, the CHARTERER shall indemnify the OWNER against all loss, damage and expense incurred by the OWNER as a result, and the OWNER may, by notice to the CHARTERER, terminate this Agreement forthwith.

    The Vessel operates a zero-tolerance policy and the possession or use of any illegal drugs or any weapons (including firearms) is strictly prohibited on board the Vessel. Failure to comply shall be sufficient reason for the OWNER to terminate the Charter forthwith without refund or recourse against the OWNER, Stakeholder or Broker.


    The CHARTERER shall not assign this Agreement, sublet the Vessel or part with control of the Vessel without the consent in writing of the OWNER, such consent may be on such terms as the OWNER at his sole discretion considers appropriate.

    Throughout the period of this Agreement the OWNER shall ensure the Vessel with first-class insurers against all customary risks for a Vessel of her size, value, and type on cover no less than is provided under Institute Yacht Clauses 1.11.85 or other recognised terms extended to provide Permission to Charter and to cover Third Party liability, Water Skiers liabilities together with liabilities arising from the use by the CHARTERER and other competent person(s) authorised by him of personal watercraft, including jet skis, wave runners and other similar powered craft as well as windsurfers, dinghies, catamarans or other water sports equipment carried by the Vessel. The insurance shall also cover War, Strikes, Pollution and include insurance of Crew against injuries and/or Third-Party liabilities incurred during the course of their employment. The CHARTERER shall remain liable for any loss, damage or liabilities arising from any act of negligence of the CHARTERER or his Guests and not recoverable by the OWNER under his insurance.
    14.2 All such insurances shall be on such terms and subject to such excess (deductible) as is customary tor a vessel of this size, value, and type. Copies of all relevant insurance documentation shall be available on request for inspection by the CHARTERER prior to the Charter on reasonable notice to the OWNER, and shall be carried on board the Vessel
    14.3 The CHARTERER should carry independent insurance for Personal Effects whilst on board or ashore and for any Medical or Accident expenses (including emergency transport evacuation) incurred.
    The CHARTERER should be aware that neither Charterer’s Liability Insurance nor Cancellation and Curtailment Insurance is included in this Agreement.


    Unless otherwise provided, the Security Deposit shall be held by the Stakeholder on the OWNER’s behalf and may be used in, or towards, discharging any damage or liability that the CHARTERER may incur under any of the provisions of this Agreement. If not required, as confirmed by the captain in writing to the Stakeholder, the Security Deposit shall be refunded without interest to the CHARTERER on the first working day after the end of the Charter Period, or after the settlement of all outstanding questions, whichever is the later.



    In this Agreement ‘force majeure’ means any cause directly attributable to acts, events, non-happenings, omissions, accidents or Acts of God beyond the reasonable control of the OWNER, the Crew, or the CHARTERER (including, but not limited to, viruses, strikes, lock-outs or other labour.

    , civil commotion, riots, acts of terrorism, blockade, invasion, war, fire, explosion, sabotage, storm, collision, grounding, fog, governmental act or regulation, contaminated fuel, major mechanical or electrical breakdown beyond the Crew’s control and not caused by lack of maintenance and/or OWNER’S or Crew’s negligence). Crew changes and shipyard delays not attributable to the aforementioned causes, do not constitute force majeure.


    Throughout this Agreement, the terms OWNER, CHARTERER, Broker, and Stakeholder and corresponding pronouns shall be construed to apply whether the OWNER, CHARTERER, Broker or Stakeholder is male, female, corporate, singular or plural, as the case may be.

    18. VAT

    In this Agreement, VAT means Value Added Tax levied by any applicable jurisdiction.


    In Clause 20 Working Day is defined as a day when the banks are open for business in the country where a stakeholder is situated.

    20. SALVAGE

    During the period of the Charter, the benefits, if any, from any derelicts, salvages and towages, after paying the Crew’s proportion, and a proportion of the Charter Fee during the time when the Vessel is engaged in providing salvage assistance, and expenses during this time directly related to the salvage, shall be shared equally between the OWNER and the CHARTERER.


    Unless otherwise provided, all funds received by the Broker against this Agreement shall be transferred immediately upon receipt to the Stakeholder (if the Broker is not the Stakeholder) and then held by the Stakeholder in a designated Account in the currency of this Agreement. Fifty percent (50%) of the Charter Fee shall be paid to the OWNER by the Stakeholder after deduction of the full commission by Bank Transfer or Credit Card Payment on the date of commencement of the Charter Period or on the first working day thereafter. Visa and MasterCard Debit or Credit Card in AED will be accepted for Payment. Cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and merchant policies and rules. The CHARTERER/ Site User/ Cardholder is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their own account. The Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) shall be paid by the Stakeholder, to the captain, or to the OWNER for onward transmission to the captain prior to embarkation, by Bank Transfer or Credit Card Payment. Once the payment is made, the confirmation notice will be sent to the client via email within 24 hours of receipt of payment. The Delivery and/or Re-delivery fees (if applicable) and any extraordinary expenses shall either be paid with the first payment to the OWNER or directly to the Captain The balance of the Charter Fee shall be paid to the OWNER on the first working day following completion of the Charter Period unless the Stakeholder shall have received written notice of a complaint by or on behalf of the Charterer. Once such notice of complaint has been received by the Stakeholder, the Stakeholder shall be obliged to retain the balance of the Charter Fee for a period of 14 days If during such 14-day period the Charterer’s complaint is resolved by agreement with the Owner then the Stakeholder shall pay the balance of the Charter Fee to the Owner or as otherwise directed in an Arbitration Award. If after 14 days neither party shall have appointed an arbitrator then the balance of the Charter Fee shall be paid by the Stakeholder to the Owner on the first working day after the 14-day period referred to above. If either party shall have appointed an arbitrator, then the Stakeholder shall retain the balance of the Charter Fee in a designated account until an Arbitration Award has been published or the matter settled by mutual agreement between the parties.


    The CHARTERER shall give notice of any complaint in the first instance to the captain on board and note shall be taken of the time, date and nature of the complaint. The captain shall inform the Broker and Stakeholder as soon as practicable

    If, however, this complaint cannot be resolved on board the Vessel then the CHARTERER shall give notice to the OWNER or to the Broker within twenty-four (24) hours of the event or occurrence unless it is impracticable due to failure or non-availability of communications equipment. The complaint may be made verbally in the first instance but shall be confirmed as soon as possible in writing specifying the precise nature of the complaint.


    When force majeure is invoked in relation to breakdown or disablement, the Owner will instruct the Captain or Owner’s representative to submit a detailed technical report, a copy of the vessel’s maintenance log, if applicable, and all relevant supporting documentation to the Charterer or Charterer’s representative.

    The United Arab Emirates is our country of Domicile. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with UAE law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity of it, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre (EMAC). The seat of the arbitration shall be the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), United Arab Emirates.  The arbitration shall be before a sole arbitrator selected by the Executive Committee of EMAC in the event the parties are unable to agree on a sole arbitrator within 14 days of a request by one party for an arbitrator to be agreed. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English. The Award rendered by the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.
    24.2 Notwithstanding the reference to EMAC arbitration in Clause 24.1 above, OWNER may elect at their sole discretion to commence proceedings in any jurisdiction for the purpose of obtaining security, commencing and conducting Court proceedings, or enforcing a claim under the Agreement.
    24.3 The parties may agree at any time to refer to mediation (in accordance with EMAC mediation rules currently in force) any difference and/or dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.
    24.4 If a notice of a claim or arbitration proceedings is given by either party, the Stakeholder, after receiving notification of such proceedings, shall not deal with those monies held by them without the agreement of both parties or in accordance with an order of the Arbitrator or the final Arbitration Award.  The monies should be held in a designated client account. This account should be interest bearing where national banking rules permit. The Stakeholder may with the agreement of both parties, pay the monies into an Escrow Account jointly controlled by the accredited legal representatives of both parties pending the result of the arbitration.

    Prohibited Drugs

    Client is responsible and must ensure that no prohibited drugs are served, consumed and possessed by him, any of his guests and contracted service providers while on board.

    1. NOTICES
      Any notice given or required to be given by either party to this Agreement shall be communicated in any form of writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given if proved to have been dispatched pre-paid and properly addressed by mail or courier service or email or by facsimile in the case of the OWNER, to him or to the Broker at their addresses as per this Agreement or, in the case of the CHARTERER, to his address as per this Agreement or, where appropriate, to him on board the Vessel.
      The Dubai Coast Guard enforces strict rules on all charter companies here in Dubai & fines are commonplace. If laws, terms, and conditions are violated, Marina Yacht Rentals reserves the right to pass on any of the guests if incurred due to non-compliance or disregard for the rules set out by the coastguard & enforced by your Captain and Crew.

    –  All guests are required by law to bring original Emirates ID (proof of visa), not a copy or picture. Tourists need original Passport. Residents can bring Passport, Emirates ID or Emirates Driving License.

    – Abuse of alcohol & subsequent reckless behaviour may result in fines or termination of the charter.

    – Life jackets are to be wear when the coast guard deems necessary & issues a weather warning.

    – Littering of the waters is not tolerated.

    – For your safety, the Coastguard does not tolerate swimming more than three meters from the vessel.

    – Jumping off the yacht while underway or at anchor is not permitted & will result in the charter being terminated.

    Music, Liquor & others

    As per the Dubai Marina Regulations, Loud music is not allowed inside the Dubai marina and only moderate music is allowed inside the Lagoon. Reasonably loud music can be played only inside the enclosed area on the 2nd Level. On Top (3rd Level) only Light music is allowed inside the Marina and in the Lagoon. However, if the weather permits and the Yacht can sail into Open Sea reasonably loud music can be played there.

    Belly Dancing or any obscene dances or acts are not allowed under the UAE laws on the yacht.

    For Serving and/or Consuming Liquor all standard UAE laws would apply.

    Swimming is only allowed for smaller gatherings and if the engines are off, in case of Windy weather which requires the engines to be on even on anchor guests are not permitted to jump into the water.

    Captain’s decision would be final in regards to safety of guests and law compliance. Any fines levied by the authorities for breach of any Laws or regulations would be the responsibility of the client and Epic Yachts reserve all rights to recover any fines/penalties or loss in revenue because of client breach of Local laws or terms of this contract.

    1. Number of Guests
      Final numbers for guests must be confirmed 24 hours before departure & may not be exceeded on the day. As per UAE law.
    2. Children(s)
      Our Captain and crew are there to safely man and navigate the vessel & are not responsible for attending to children. Furthermore, on the Coast Guards orders, irrespective of the strength of swimmer, children under the ages of 10 years must wear a life jacket while in the water & out on the deck.

      29. Attire
      Footwear must be removed before boarding our yachts.

      30. Damage Waiver (Security Deposit) and Liabilities

    – If there be any damages caused to the vessel as a direct result of the actions of the client or their guests. The loss and cause of the damage will be notified to the client in writing within 24 hours. A contractor, respective to that of the damage caused, will be instructed to provide an official quotation for the repair or replacement of the damaged area. This quote will be forwarded to the client and the amount will be deducted from the card given on the Damage Waiver (Security Deposit).

    – Any dispute to the damage caused can be registered to the Operations Manager at Marina Yacht Rentals.

    – Any extra cleaning required as a result of your charter is deemed chargeable under damage waiver agreement.

    – Any fines incurred through the local marine authority as direct action or failure to comply with Marina Yacht Rentals policies by the lead named charterer or their guests WILL be chargeable under the damage waiver.

    – No liability or responsibility is accepted for any loss or additional expenses incurred by accident, injury, sickness or death.

    – A mature adult must supervise all persons under the age of 21 years.

    – Any food supplied by the client is subject to approval as per UAE health and safety law.

    – No animals or pets of any sort may be taken on board as per UAE laws.

    – No Smoking throughout the yacht’s interior. Failure to comply will lead to immediate termination of the charter.

    – Children below one-year-old are only allowed onboard yachts of 40 ft plus
    –Open flames shall not be permitted.  Special situations such as candles in a cake may be allowed provided a monitor person, specifically appointed to prevent any mishap, is designated. Sheesha is prohibited and Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.

    1. Liability to Third Parties

    The charterer will indemnify and hold harmless Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties for all personal injuries, property damages, or any other damages to any third parties including but not limited to, operators and passengers of other watercraft. Minor children under the undersigned’s custody, care and control, as a result of any and all activities related to the rental, operation, or use of equipment provided by Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties, even if such damages arise out of the negligence or fault of Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties.

    1. Acknowledgment of Waiver and Release

    CHARTERER has sufficient time to review the waiver and release and to ask any questions associated with the said release, he/she should carefully read the disclaimer and realize, knows the contents thereof and has signed this release as his/her free act. The undersigned warrants that he/she is aware that he/she may rent, operate or use equipment from another rental facility, but has chosen to rent, operate or use equipment from Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties. With the knowledge that signing this release is requirement or rental, operation, and use of said equipment and further warrants he/she should fully aware that he/she is waiving any right he/she may have to bring a legal action to assert a claim against Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties for negligence.

    1. Indemnity Agreement

    The undersigned agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties in any matter and from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees arising out of relating to the rental, operation and use of all equipment provided by Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties not limited to any negligent, grossly negligent or intentional act or omission of Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties.

    1. Damage Liability and Fines

    If any damage occurs to the equipment or watercraft rented from Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties, which is beyond the normal course of wear and tear of such rental, the undersigned will be liable to pay for any repairs in making good the equipment. If such equipment decommissioned because of the undersigned’s negligence, act, or omission, the undersigned warrants to pay Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties for the costs incurred. If the undersigned fails to have the damage rectified within the time agreed or specified by Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties, Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties may engage a third party at the full financial and legal liability, risk and expense of the undersigned. Minimum 2500 aid to be paid in case of any cause of the accident. If the damage is large enough and needs to keep Jet Ski/Yacht/Boat in the service station for more than two days, the undersigned should pay an amount of aid 500 per day for the total days required for the repair as a compensation for the business loss for those days. Undersigned also agrees that CHARTERER understood all restricted areas in the trip route before the trip and will not try to enter those areas. Also agrees that he/she will be liable for all fines and penalties issued upon entering those areas.

    1. Weather Policy

    Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties will not depart in unsafe weather conditions. The captain will assess the weather and should determine the conditions are unsafe to run the tour, the tour may be postponed, or it will be cancelled. Every effort will be made to reschedule your tour during your stay. If you are unable to reschedule your journey, you will have the option of receiving a voucher for a future trip.

    1. Emirates ID/Original Passport

    Undersigned has to submit CHARTERER valid and original Emirates ID/Original Passport card for using providing services of Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties. He/ she (client) further agree and aware that Marina Yacht Rentals and/or related to third parties would hold their Emirates ID/Original Passport in case of any accidents happened during the trip made by undersigned /pillion rider /any minor children under undersigned custody. Emirates ID/Original Passport cards will be given back only after the settlement of the accident.

    – Client and guest will be subject to BOTH MARINA YACHT RENTALS and Marina Security and safety requirements.  Passengers must carry valid IDs any of the following (passport, driver’s license, Emirates ID) during the trip.  For tourists, if passports are deposited in the hotel, receipt from the hotel confirming the same is acceptable.  A complete guest list is also required as a manifest.

Cruising through Dubai !